July COEN Community of Practice Meeting
Thursday, July 27, 5:30-7:30 PM
MHCD Recovery Center, 4455 E. 12th Ave., Room 121
Topic: Diversity and Multicultural Issues in Evaluation
Facilitator: Leslye Steptoe, Mental Health Center of Denver
Please join us on Thursday, July 27 for our 7th COEN Community of Practice meeting. These meetings are informal, with a specific topic, facilitator, and practice-building purpose to guide discussion. They are intended to let you share with and learn from your colleagues and grow in the profession.
Different location! MHCD Recovery Center, 4455 E. 12th Ave., Denver, between Birch and Clermont.
Or join by videoconference!
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/573229384
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,573229384# or +16465588656,573229384#
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 573 229 384
Leslye will facilitate a discussion that explores how diversity & inclusiveness considerations can be incorporated into the evaluation process, as well as how evaluators perceive their personal role in advancing the diversity & inclusiveness conversation in the field.
Focus questions:
How are diversity & inclusiveness currently framed in evaluation research? How has this changed?
What are some common missteps among evaluators in this arena?
What are some unique issues in Colorado related to inclusive evaluation?
How can diversity & inclusiveness considerations be integrated into each phase of the evaluation process?
Which strategies and efforts do you personally employ in order to: Enhance your cultural self-awareness and practical intercultural communication skills? Improve the overall level of cultural awareness in evaluation?
Do participants have stories of evaluation strategies that went well?
Please bring your questions and insights to share from your own evaluation experience. Also bring a colleague!
Upcoming months will feature culturally relevant evaluation on August 23, evaluation in foundations in September, health program evaluation on October 25, and evaluation capacity building on November 29. Our annual meeting will be in early December.
Have a suggestion for a location in another area of the metro for a future meeting? Would you like to facilitate a future discussion? Send the suggestions to us at Colo.Eval.Network@gmail.com.