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Colorado Evaluation Network

February Community of Practice: Conducting Evaluation with a Culturally Responsive Equity Lens - Tangible Strategies and Resources for Your Practice

  • 26 Feb 2020
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Panera Bread (640 S Colorado Blvd, Glendale, CO 80246)

Please join Amy Engelman (Intentional Inquiry) and Haley Sammen & Christine Velez (The Evaluation Center) as they share tangible strategies and resources for applying an equity lens to your evaluation practice. At the start of the session, we will practice creating safe spaces for engaging in conversations about equity. Then we will explore different concrete tools that help us reflect on our own stories, cultural competencies as evaluators, and thinking around equitable evaluation. Amy, Haley, and Christine are excited to share their experiences and guide us through a discussion on infusing a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens in all aspects of our evaluation work.

About COEN Communities of Practice (CoPs): COEN CoPs are informal monthly gatherings that have a specific topic, facilitator, and practice-building purpose to guide discussion. These meetings are intended to let you share and learn from your colleagues and grow in the evaluation profession. The first 30 minutes of each session are dedicated to introductions and getting to know your colleagues. Following this introduction, the program and group discussion will begin. We hope you can join us on February 26th and in the upcoming CoPs!

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