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Colorado Evaluation Network

August Community of Practice: Standards for Site Visits

  • 19 Aug 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Virtual (Zoom)

Please note date change from August 27th to August 19th.

Facilitated by Rachael Kenney, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

"I have heard more complaints about wasteful and useless site visits than any other aspect of evaluation.” – Michael Quinn Patton

Site visits are often written into evaluation plans but aren’t always implemented effectively. Michael Quinn Patton has published on site visit standards. Rachael Kenney is working on a project to further refine these standards. She and her colleague conducted a retrospective matrix analysis of evaluation site visits that their team completed to see how closely the team adhered to Patton’s standards. From that analysis, they made recommendations for refinements and additions to those standards. At this month’s COEN meeting, Rachael will present their methods and findings and solicit your feedback on whether their newly proposed standards resonate with your work.


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