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Colorado Evaluation Network

2016 Annual Meeting Colorado Evaluation Network (COEN)

  • 07 Dec 2016
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • McREL International, Garden Level Training Room, 4601 DTC Boulevard, Denver, CO


  • Free to members. Please register so we know who's coming, and who will be on webinar.

Registration is closed

Don't miss the annual meeting for Colorado Evaluation Network (COEN) and Special Presentation by Kristi Jackson (see details below)! Wednesday, December 7, 2016, from 6 to 8 pm.  Location is McREL International, Garden Level Training Room, 4601 DTC Boulevard, Denver, CO. Light refreshments will be served. 

This event is free, but please register so we know how many to expect. Like last year, we will also be streaming the event via webinar--if that works better for your schedule, please register for this option. Registration is open at 

We will start the evening by introducing our new President Elect, hearing about progress made during 2016, and getting your feedback on shaping the future of COEN in 2017.  And, of course, you will be able to meet your evaluation peers. Please come with ideas in mind about how you can make room in your schedule for being part of COEN. 

We will then have an engaging presentation by Kristi Jackson!

The Analysis of Mixed Methods Survey Data with NVivo

Kristi Jackson is a local qualitative research consultant and founder of Queri, Inc. ( She is co-author of Sage Publication’s best-selling Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo, and Chair of the Special Interest Group on Digital Tools for Qualitative Research at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. In her 30-minute professional development session, she will focus on the use of NVivo for mixed methods research, particularly on-line surveys (e.g. Survey Monkey and Citrix) that collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Attendees will learn how NVivo handles forced-choice versus open-ended responses, how to code the open-ended data, and the sophisticated search tools in NVivo that help researchers identify patterns in the data.

It will be great to see you! 

COEN Board

COEN - Jackson, Dec 2016.pdf

COEN agenda 2016.docx

COEN Community of Practice in 2017.docx

Annual Meeting Slides.pptx

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